Sydney GoFlat™: A Chair For Amelia, Michael & Alex
By Seating Matters
The below case studies were provided to Seating Matters by occupational therapists and hospital carers. These are from major hospitals across NSW where the Sydney GoFlat™ chair has been trialled. All patient names have been changed.
Case Study 1: A Chair for Amelia
Palliative Care Patient with Spinal Cord Injury & Progressive Disease
Amelia*, a woman facing a spinal cord injury and progressive disease, presented complex seating needs that meant she was unable to be hoisted. Seeking a solution to improve Amelia’s quality of life, her healthcare team reached out to Seating Matters for assistance. The Sydney GoFlat™, with its complete recline capability, was selected as the optimal chair to meet Amelia’s needs.
According to feedback from her occupational therapist, the Sydney chair had a transformative impact on Amelia’s life and overall wellbeing. The chair’s complete lie-flat ability and neat alignment with her hospital bed empowered Amelia with significantly increased mobility. She was able to gain control over her positioning and access various areas of the hospital, including the garden – an experience that had previously been unattainable.
For Amelia, this changed everything.
It allowed her to engage with her friends and family, spend time outdoors, and sit upright to enjoy meals. It’s those small moments – those day-to-day experiences that we so often take for granted – that can have the most drastic impact on our quality of life.
Amelia repeatedly expressed her gratitude, describing the Sydney GoFlat™, as “life changing” and the “highlight of her year”. The ability to operate her chair using a remote control empowered her, giving her a sense of meaning, purpose, and a structured routine throughout her prolonged hospitalisation.
This positive feedback extended to Amelia’s occupational therapist and other hospital healthcare staff, who commended the Sydney GoFlat™ chair’s ability to deliver these benefits without compromising on pressure care.

Case Study 2: A Chair for Michael
Severe burns patient
For Michael*, a patient who had suffered burns to 80% of his body, the road to recovery seemed daunting and filled with challenges. Multiple skin grafts were performed, but the healing process was complicated by infections and the severe pain he had to endure on a daily basis. In this condition, traditional methods of patient transfer, like using a lifter or hoist, were simply not viable and Michael was unable to be moved from his hospital bed.
On contacting the Seating Matters team, it was recommended that Michael trial the Sydney GoFlat™ chair. This could enable him to access the critical physical and psychological benefits of early mobilisation.
Using a Hovermatt, Michael’s care team were able to successfully transfer him to the Sydney chair. This chair became an integral part of Michael’s routine for nearly two weeks, providing him with a newfound sense of control while alleviating pressure, and ultimately having a hugely positive impact on his mental health and quality of life.
Case Study 3: A Chair for Alex
Cardiac Bypass Surgery Patient
After experiencing cardiac arrest and undergoing cardiac bypass surgery, Alex* faced several challenges during the postoperative period. He developed postoperative delirium, experienced poor respiratory function, and suffered from significant deconditioning due to prolonged intubation. These factors severely limited Alex’s ability to function.
In order to address these issues, it became crucial to mobilise Alex and get him out of bed. This approach would have multiple benefits, including improving respiratory function, managing delirium and regulating his sleep/wake cycle. Perhaps even more critically, early mobilisation was required to enhance his trunk strength and support overall physical recovery, while improving his immediate mental health and quality of life.
Upon contacting Seating Matters, the Sydney GoFlat™ chair was suggested as a viable option for Alex, who was unable to be hoisted. His care team at the Mater Hospital in NSW were able to use a patslide technique to transfer Alex to the Sydney chair.
After an extended period of immobility, Alex was able to shift positions and sit upright, engage with his environment, and even venture outside into the sunshine, despite his significant oxygen requirements and IV attachments. These developments had a hugely positive impact on Alex’s overall mental health and improved delirium management, which motivated him to engage in rehabilitation.
He found the Sydney GoFlat™ “exceptionally comfortable”, particularly in comparison to the air mattress on his bed! The chair gave him a newfound sense of control and purpose, enabling him to manage fatigue while engaging in physical activity.